
The food-centered name of a culture magazine could only have been born during dinnertime. A discussion about what sort of title would hint at a new and interesting take on everyday institutions (written word, visual media, etc.) was well underway. Mid-argument, however, a dessert of cool cannoli pie was served, accompanied by steaming mugs of coffee. The bickering over First Saturday Magazine and Saturday Zine quickly ceased, and all fork wielders agreed that nothing is more interesting than an inventive new take on a tried-and-true recipe. Unexpected? Yes. Delicious? Absolutely.

Cannoli Pie Magazine features stuff that's been around for a while: art, literature and food--all better on your day off, all best with friends. We love anything that draws on old forms but takes new turns: classic-style literature featuring unconventional words; art that employs great aesthetics but includes a new message and (hopefully) exploratory media; music that makes your ears twitch and your feet move, and food that tastes so damn good you'll be talking about it with your mouth still full.


Stephen Krauska (Literature, Art, Submissions)
Claire Suellentrop (Design, Copy, General Maintenance)

Joe Krauska (Resident Foodie)
Meghan Hageman (Original Logo Designer)